Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Coffee Matters....

 An old can that I inherited from someone, who knows who? Coffee was only sold in cans like this with there special key used to wind up the metal band that sealed.  Cans like this made perfect storage for whatever in the basement or outdoor shed. 

I was fascinated in seeing the directions.  A tablespoon must be leveled. A cup of water was equivalent to the cup of water in you coffee cup.  This was for perculator coffee makers.  Like any thing today you really have to use trial and error in discovering what amounts are needed to make your cup of coffee. 

In my dream world I thought I would have a coffee maker down in my shop.  That just didn't need to happen.  So the rack is full of old mugs from mom and a cafe mug from a garage sale.  My mugs from mom were ones bought at the dime store and they served instant coffee often all day.

We made it downtown to my endocrinologist visit yesterday in the afternoon.  My chosen route keeps me out of major traffic.  It was late in the day so even the clinic was in a shut down mode.  I am doing ok with my health problems and won't have to return for a half of a year.  I was given free by the doctor a salesman's sample of a sensor and receiver for my diabetes monitoring.  Sometimes the devices just fail and they give false readings telling me my glucose is extremely low, when it really is not.  The value of the sample is worth beyond $500.  I don't have to pay that much with insurance but a sensor failure usually costs me fifty bucks. I am going to keep it as an emergency back up.

We are close to just freezing today.  It means the sun can melt off somethings even thought we are still plenty covered with the white stuff.  A warm-up really is not in sight for quite a while.  

Have a great Tuesday.

1 comment:

  1. My parents used to buy Butternut coffee, I did not know it was made in Omaha:)
