Friday, January 6, 2023

Finishing on Friday....

 The Christmas geese are back in storage until next December.  These geese are some of my favorites as they have such great character. They look like they are held in space during onr of their natural movements. 

A real bird, junco, has snow on its beak from dipping down into the snow covered birdseed.  They do shuffle and scatter the see with their feet if it is too difficult to see the seed 

While experimenting with my new photo booth I decided to work with the newest village piece.  I gifted this to my wife finding it among the pickings that were left at the store.  I didn't get there until right before Christmas and their half price sale did deplete the selection. They were almost sold out.  I assume that it is a village store where you pick up barrels of drink.  The figures on the front is a new one for me as usually you have to put your own people and dogs on the item. The individual barrels in the one space are all held together as one but must have been a challenge to create. 

The grand kids had their own gingerbread houses back at their home so we have the ones we made with them still on display.  I can not stop appreciating this chest of drawers that was gifted to me by some former students of mine.  Granted the chest was in pieces and being held together with straps but I was so pleased to get it. It was destined to go to the burn pile as they couldn't sell it at an auction in such a bad condition.  I have it all glued back together, sanded and finished, and polished ready for use.  We have it for linens, sheets, placemats, and various other things that need a place to land.  I enjoy the carved handles on the walnut chest and like its design a lot. I always wanted one that looked like this and waited until I was so old to finally have one.  It works out so well as a piece in our dining room.  I will have to eventually remove the houses on top but that decision will come later.


  1. That is one beauty of a dresser! I like the gingerbread houses your Grands created!

  2. The geese made me smile, Larry, as they do look lifelike in their movements😀 The photo booth gift from your sife seems to be providing you with a lot of photo ops and the barrel house looked great. The only “problem” with gingerbread houses is what to do with them afterwards, are they consumed, discarded, left for birds and wildlife? As one who has never made one myself, I am curious. Of course, our grands have made them at their homes but I never enquired as to their demise. The chest of drawers is indeed beautiful after your reconstruction.
