Saturday, January 7, 2023

Saturday's Stuff.....


 The full wolf moon was enhanced with these clouds.  It was like a special effects creation.  It was too cold to wait around to see the moon in the clear. I could pull up last years full moon shot but this will do just fine. 

My marching band is an amazing thing. The santa and soldiers all have their bells of certain tones that are played to create a Christmas song.  It is too complicated for me to understand how the computer or mechanism that was created to get them to play various songs.  The manufacturer would have to be sure its workers didn't screw up the sequece of the different sizes. 

The fists come down to hit the bells.  Two or three of them hit the same sounding bell at the same time to make it sound harmonious. 

Camels that were gifts from Israel from olive tree wood.  While in Israel three years ago we were around camels often.  One place our group was in the desolate hills near Jericho.  The company had members of the group get on camels and ride to a large tent where we ate a meal.  There was an age limit on who could ride so we had a pleasant golf cart ride.  The Mediterranean meal was wonderful with dates for dessert.  We sat in circles and were treated with great hospitality.  Some who rode the camels said that it was a scary ride as the camels took a trail along an edge of a crest of a sandhill and they felt like they might fall off the cliff.  

We have a cold day again today. We did a little thawing yesterday but that won't be happening today.  I have spent the morning organizing containers for the Christmas decorations both those that are filled and the others that are yet to be filled. Thanks for checking in today.

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