Monday, January 30, 2023

Monday All Day....

 Looking out this morning we have sunshine on the snow. We are still very cold.  I did see a bird at the bird water tray but it was just resting before it flew to the bird feeder. 

The sun did eventually rise above the neighbor's house to cause those shadows in the above backyard photo. 

The house finch doesn't mind digging down into the feeder to get to the safflower seed.  I like how their red feathers have faded.  The bird is really fluffed up so it can stay warmer.

A sparrow sits in the tree checking out its surroundings. They are not happy with the new feeder. 

The juncos don't visit my feeders very often. I don't know who has the better feeder but they must hang out somewhere else. 

Have a good rest of the day this Monday.


  1. Those little feathered friends are lucky to have your care, especially in the frigid depths of winter. You are a kind human.

  2. Looks like you got enough snow for a while! Stay warm, real cold up here:(
