Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Warming Trends.....

 Our son sent us this photo of the family sledding outing. They all look pretty happy with it. The grand daughter will be four years old in May.  The tall guy is in fourth grade and shorter brother is in first grade.  The temps did get to be too cold for them yesterday. 

It took two days but I finally saw a cardinal at the feeder after putting out the good seed.  He was tolerant of the sparrows as there was plenty of seed going around.

We were in the minus temps this morning so our 20° F. feels like spring weather.  We are going to warm up more the next two days.  It is a good Tuesday.  Thanks fro stopping by today.


  1. Yes! We are looking forward to warmer temps also!
    It will be some decent winter weather for the weekend too.

    Love the cardinal!
    We have 4 pairs that like to visit!

  2. My goodness your Grands are growing! Fun to see a photo of them! That Cardinal is so pretty!

  3. Your grandchildren lust have had a lot of snow to play in and they are certainly growing up, just like our own. The cardinal is lovely and one of my favorite birds.
