Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Obssesions in Collecting.....


I really like the spoils of glass ornaments even after they have been removed from the trees.  I took down the two trees, one a three footer and the other a six footer,  I guess because they ae the same but the smallest ones of the collection are on the small tree.  The larger ones of the collection fill up the large tree. I have built the collection the past fifty years with ornaments reminding me of shopping in a mall in Nebraska.  There are years that I don't buy but I did buy one more set of nine just because. 

The true collection was inspired when my wife contributed the green acorn ornament from her family assortment.  She doesn't know the history but it is possibly from her grandparents. I like how mondern production companies have use the old ones as the idea to make similar ones.  I think I have a bigger acorn ornament on our large family tree. 

The house is fifty years old and replicates the ones made in the past.  The bell is a new replica of the shiny brites of the past.  The two at the top are new renditons of glass one that have different decoations on them. 

The shiny brights, and fake shiny brites,  in the jars are some of the old ones from my late parent trees.  Others were from a collection that my late brother bought while he was in college in 1965s.  Some of the red ones were from my first purchase for a tree in 1972 when the red balls shared the tree with yellow patterned boys.  The tree was barely decorated with spots of decorations in a minimal design. 

This will be the last tree to come down. I will continue to light it each evening until then. When I bought some new round ball decorations for this after Christmas we had a hard time finding a place to hang them. 

We have wind with sleet right now this afternoon.  I am sure it would be slick on the roads. We had light snow starting early morning and not much  of it has accumulated it.  Winter continues.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Those ornaments make for beautiful still life photos. My MIL had some very unique ornaments she collected over the years and when they were sold at auction, they brought a pretty penny.

    I've still got two baskets with branches in them and lights on. I need the lights on these gloomy days.
    Our gravel road is all ice so I am not going anywhere.

  2. We had pine cone ornaments just like yours when I was young.

  3. I share and understand your love for the Shiny Brites. I miss seeing my trees up all decorated. :) Stay warm!

  4. It was nice to see the glass ornaments from your collection, Larry, and to read about the memories they bring back. I can’t recall any glass ornaments on my parent’s tree but they did have the large C9 bulbs and tinsel and always a live tree. Your decorated tree looks beautiful. Our much smaller one is still being enjoyed nightly until next week.
