Tuesday, January 3, 2023


 When I first started keeping guppies back in the 70's I would have many live births of guppies.  I have been away from raising guppies for almost forty years or more.   On a lark I bought five of them three females and two males.  By carefully monitoring the water conditions keeping it fresh.  The tempeture must be kept warm.  I just had my second birthing a few days ago and they are growing quickly in size already. 

I have a lot of adult guppies now and that first batch will start reproducing also.  I don't have a solution to what I am gong to do with them.  I guess I could pull all my males out of the tank.  The story continues. 



  1. Oh my! Too bad the grand kids didn't want some!


  2. Hi Larry, I have been rather remiss in blog visiting and posting, but wanted to stop by and say thanks for your comment on my after Christmas family post. I also read some of your previous posts about the family visit, Lego construction and gingerbread houses. It seems we both grand Christmas time. As for the guppies, perhaps separating them would be the best solution.

    Wishing you and your wife a happy and healthy 2023.
