Sunday, January 15, 2023

Remnants of Yesterday.....


I never noticed before that my nutcracker ornament is actually playing a drum.  We took all the ornaments off the big tree yesterday.



A soldier here is also playing a drum.  He is a small glass blown ornament that required a lot of detail painting by the manufacturing assembly line.

This is a metal star ornament that I found down the street in a yard.  I later found out it belonged to one who had decorated their outside tree a block away.  I never got it back to them and they moved away. 

I used to have fundraiser sales as an art teacher to raise money for extra supplies. This was left behind in a box after all the products were distributed. I eventually brought it home for our tree. 

My blogger friend and her husband carves and paints ornaments each year.  The shiny bright ornament is also one of her favorites so it seems fitting to hang them beside each other.

It is designed to replicate a fishing lure and included tackle rigging on it for hanging it on the tree. It is a great one. I won it as a prize.

We are having a warm up today to help us get ready for our next snow.  We still have piles of snow in the shade but to the most part the yards are cleared of snow.  A  high of 46° F. will see like a spring day somewhat.  The wind chill will shock us back into reality.  Have a great Sunday and rest.

1 comment:

  1. Good to see that you like the fish lure ornament, it was fun to carve:)
