Saturday, January 14, 2023

Stuff for Saturday....


The sun is still on the right out of the view behind the house. Our crooked row of houses makes my directions difficult to firgure. The sky at this point was dark above but glowing on the horizon.  It is a cold sky but we are suppose to warm up a little warmer today.


 Inside, the warm tropical water keeps the angel fish happy.  Aquariums reflect like mirrors so one can thing they are viewing more fish than they really do have.

Big and Bad has grown to be full size now. He  is pretty much dominating the tank even though I have seen the Siamese fighting fish nip at his tail fins. 

My light box helps me show off the markings on this duck figure.  I think it is a blue teal.  I learned that from other people's blogs with them showing the real thing. I do think the creator of this duck make made the head more cartoon-like rather than having it realistic. 

Another cold day and I feel a little sluggish today.  I don't have any solid plans for the day other than stay inside as much as is possible.  We were in the teens temperature wise this morning so it makes the furnace work a little harder.  We do turn on the heater in the sunroom and sit out there in the mornings during our break. It does make us feel like we are outside as we can see a lot of activity going on.  

We have a new set of dogs to watch now southeast of us.  The two dogs are darker colored German shepherds that love being outside.  The run and chase each other as well as their owners.  We can recognize their bark when inside the house.   That adds to our collection of dogs that we can see.  We have a black lab-like dog with a friend French bulldog.  We also have a Boston terrier a house one over from us.  Our neighbor's daughter lives down the way and the fence keeps us from seeing her curly haired black and white dog.  Our Cattle dog that lives close by is now in Arizona for the winter.  Out the front of our house we have many more dogs to see as they are walked by our place. One house three doors up has a bunch of athletic boys who never walk their dog.  The father walks the dog himself.  It is a smaller poodle mix with curly brown hair.  

It is Saturday and I am glad.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Chilly here today too. Once in a while Sadie barks at someone walking by with a dog. This is a really quiet neighborhood...there are dogs next door but they never walk them i do hear them baking once in a while...have yet to see them. :)

  2. You have quite colorful fish, Larry, and trying to photograph them can be a challenge with reflections. Growing up we had goldfish at various times. Years ago, as an adult, I had a tank with a couple of beta fish which got sick and died. In cleaning out the aquarium, I contracted a form of fish TB, so will never have them again, just an unlucky occurrence for me.

  3. Sounds like dogwatching heaven!lol
    Cold here as well...I think I'm ready for Spring.
    Stay warm!

  4. I loved aquariums as a kid but never had one. My favorite place to go to was the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago.

    I got out for a long hike yesterday, but I was out of the wind so it felt quite nice.

    This morning we had a very red sky!
