Tuesday, January 10, 2023


 The snow may be gone but it is still a winter scene.  The pads to the garden chairs are stored inside. The brown leaves of fall are in sight along with all the stems of the spent hosta blooms.  The rain spout stays out all year to drain the melting snow or rain water away from the house. The rose bush is dormant with some dead leaves still clinging on to the stems.  Frost is on the grass showing it is still pretty cold and the warmth of the afternoon will be welcomed. At least the wind has died down and it seems to be a calm sunny day. 

Our Christmas decorations are still coming down.  We do a few things each day instead of hitting it all at once.  I too wreaths down yesterday on my way back from getting the mail.  We removed all large creche items and larger angels today.  The two of us can take the angel tree down in less than thortu minutes.  I am keeping the boxes all organized so that it is easier to remove things.  Our big tree takes time but it does have to be dismantled unlike the angel tree that I just leave it intact and wrap it with a sheet.  It is easier to let go of the season now and things can get done a day at a time.  My carrying of things downstairs is more regulated this way and I get it done better if it is strung out. 

 The poinsettia is still looking good but I really have to monitor it.  I check its soil moisture every other day.  They are so difficult as one can over water it and it dies.  One can underwater it and it dies. Keeping it looking good takes a lot of work.  

Have a good Tuesday.


  1. I never got the knack of poinsettias, but this one looks beautiful!
    I still have lights in two baskets in the living room with pine boughs that provide some nice evening glow for us.

    When the sun stays up longer...I'll put them away!

  2. Poinsettias are fussy, and once they have dried out and wilted they are gonners:)
