Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Middle of the Week....

 The fireplace is Christmas bare. The garland is gone and the manger scene is boxed up for storage.  

The clock is back and two of my wife's figurines guard the clock.  I have looked up for the time at that clock for a month now and the clock was not there. Pictures of the three grand kids are now on the left side of the mantel.

The angel collection is not all put away but this one was boxed up and taken to the basement.  I unboxed it to photograph it in my new photo light box.  Our sister-in-law Linda who passed away just recently, gifted this to my wife many years ago.  It actually sits on a music box wheel and I didn't place it back on as it wasn't needed for this shot.  Linda gave us both lots of things in the past years for Christmas.  This one showed on the bottom label that it was a K-mart sale and was made in China. K-mart doesn't exist anymore.  All items that one owns take on a different meaning when the gift giver has passed away. 

The latest gift for my wife is this Jim Shore product. With wind blown hair the dog and bird add to the theme of nature on the Angel of Wind. 

I survived shopping for groceries this morning and it was a pleasant breeze.  I went early and there was no crowd in the parking lot or in the store.  Our town of 70,000 population has two of these stores and our south end of the city still has a crowd most of the time.  I mailed off at the store post office to two  cousins each an afghan that my mom had crocheted.  I have too many of them and have too few people who want them anymore.  If they act really appreciative I might just send them another along with a quilt.

Thanks for checking in today.


  1. That light box sure has come in handy!
    I'll be doing my grocery shopping early today too to avoid the crowds.

    I'm tired of fighting my way up and down isles in our tiny town with the mid afternoon crowds.

  2. The Jim Shore Angel is a beauty! Looks like you got a light box for Christmas...I have often thought about getting one:)

  3. You sure have me thinking, Larry, that a light box would be a fun thing especially when I was selling a few things on ebay. Maybe you can include a photo in a future post…unless you already did and I missed that post. Unfortunately, I do not read blogs on a daily basis.
