Saturday, February 4, 2023

Blogging On and on and on...

 My wife's painting makes it appear that the cat is looking out from behind the birdhouse collection. They are  protected from the outside elements including the cold temps.  It seems like it will be a long time before they can be taken back outside. 

The morning sun gives us hope for that warming trend that is promised. It still is pretty cold out there but we may be thawing by late afternoon.  I need to good shopping but I am not to anxious to get out into the cold air.  I do see that there is some traffic out there on our streets this Saturday morning.

Thanks for stopping by today. 


  1. Warmer here today supposed to get up to 30F ! Hope you get the nice weather too!!

  2. I bet you are glad for warmer weather! That sunrise was spectacular!
