Friday, February 3, 2023

Freezing Friday.....

 On one of my garden supply shelves is a great visual. I will be happy to see the day lily blooming again.  I saved the packaging so I could remember the name of the plant.

This is a view of a project in progress.  I have some wainscoting wood saved from a project I was going to use at the old house.  When I sold the old house I removed it and brought here.  I may never use it up but I am finding some walls in my basement where I can apply it.  I have it all up now and need to bu a moulding to cap it and a new baseboard piece.  I have stained it with fruitwood stain and it needs a coat of varnish to finish it. 

Just checking as I go that it is running level as it was put up. I wasn't happy about it at first as to how it looked but I do like it. 

The sun is shining brightly as the birds have a glow from the east.  It was 0° F. again this morning.  We are going to start warming up tomorrow. 


 I had to relearn the folds. I learned how to make them when I was seven years old.  I taught kids how to do it for 34 years.  Some kids made so many of them once they learned how. I found a box of origami paper and preceded to make one.  My brain didn't remember it anymore.  I had to make the one on the right and realize I didn't know what I was doing.  I waited a half hour and started again going slowly as I folded.  I did finally pull out the steps needed to make the paper crane.  I need to keep practicing for my brain's sake. 

Have a good rest of this Friday.


  1. I love the wainscot look, we have that in our eating area and then that is what our living room walls are instead of the old dark ugly paneling we had.
    I used the leftover pieces to add to my wooden block box for kids, they make great pieces for the kids to make roads or roofs!

    I never learned how to fold origami! That is neat!

  2. Nice paper folding and I like your wainscoating Too, that is a project!
