Friday, February 24, 2023

Checking In.....

 I don't understand why this one leaf has not dropped. I keep thinking it is a bird when I view it from a distance.  The backgrounds shows the cold gray day. 

Gold fish get to be difficult to take care of when they can live in the dirtiest of water.  The tolerate high nitrogen in the water so a person like me could let the water get really bad.  It was time to clean their tank. I found my smaller tank and transferred some of their old water into it.  I fished them out one at a time and they seem in shock as they hoover together in the new temporary tank. I didn't harm them but they seem to be a little tiffed that I messed with them.

I will have to wash down their tank in cold water, no soap, and get all the algae off of the sides.The gravel too will get rinsed over many times and the filters will all be cleaned up.   I need to buy an algae eater for their tank but it just hasn't happened.  The smaller tank is sufficient for them for a few days and I will work at it to get their bigger tank back into good shape.

The wainscoting is all attached now and I have stained and put the finish on it.  Next steps include buying the parts for the top molding and attach it to the top.  I am reusing the bottom base molding which matches the rest of the room.  The original owners took oak baseboard and stained it to look a little red but it is natural looking enough that it won't look bad with the pine.

Too cold to get out today but I do have to go get meds and some basic groceries.  It is only a mile away.  I will wait until this afternoon so the day will be better than the 4° F. that we started with this morning. It is Friday folks. 


  1. I can't wait to see what you do with the left over pieces.

    Everything looks great!

  2. We didn't get above zero all day...and we stayed home. Stay warm:)
