Thursday, February 23, 2023

Thursday with Chattering Teeth.....

 It is cold and the birds need to eat. The spots on the bird are frozen water drops on my window.  

We all were spoiled with warmer winter weather temperatures.  Today the temps dropped to 19° F.  and the wind blows hard.  It is a shock to the system to be outside.  Our area had ice but it is off the roads now.  The grass was crunchy sounding as I walked out the recycle bin to the curb.  The driveway has no ice now. 

Our oldest grandson turns ten years old today.  We found the Lego shelves of Walmart almost bare.last week,  but at one end of the shelves was this one thing that fit the bill.  They make lego kits that are so themed to movies that most of us will never see. His parents are going to have to add on a room to hold all the Legos.  It seems like AJ was just born a few years ago but now he is a tall fourth grader. 


 Here he is at Christmas time sitting with his almost 4 plus year old sister watching television. He has always been so proud to having a sister.

I almost didn't blog today but I pulled it out one more time.  I did get the stain on my wood wainscoting this morning.  It is all going well but there is so much left to do to finish it all.  I did succeed in using up my pile of wood that was piled in the spare bedroom.  The leftovers can now be moved to the workshop and out of the bedroom.  I see projects to be made from the leftovers.  Lots of things can be made with pine boards.  

Thanks for checking in today.


  1. Great present! That Lego build will be a hit!

    We got plowed out today and it did get much colder. We'll be adding an extra blanket to the bed tonight!

    I can't wait to see what you do with all of the leftovers from the Waiscoting!

  2. Glad you found the Lego set for your grandson, Larry, and this one looks like it will certainly challenge him. In my opinion, building these sets is way better than kids sitting at a computer screen playing video games. Your grandson should enjoy the gift and the photo of he and his little sister was very sweet. It’s cold here in Nashua, NH, too.

  3. Wow that is some car, he will love it!! :)
