Monday, February 20, 2023

Melting Again....


My oldest brother who lives in Arizona sent me a shot of his tomatoes.  This is his garden growing season down there.  He wanted me to see the tarps he had constructed to cover them as they were getting threats of frost.  I am sending him this photo of my tomato plot., all tilled and ready for planting in three months.  We are to get warm enough today for that snow to be almost gone again. 


 When I shot this I could really see how it could be of any spring day. The sun is shinning but there is just a little snow left on the ground.  I think we will get snow again on Wednesday through Thursday.

It isn't the Great Wall of China but is now going up. I started this morning and got half of it done. It is 15 feet long.  The electric plugs take special configurations and a plastic device to help bring the plug out one inch to the surface.  It takes me more time to figure it out and do it than it does toput up six or eight pieces board. 

You can see the next board is overlapping over the socket.  I will have to cut two boards and have them fit together in the process. The one isn't nailed but just a trial fit.  I have to go to Ace to get the adapter rings for the last two.  I shut the electricity off to work on the far end one and didn't think that I was shutting down the internet server.  My wife said to me that she thought the internet was down.  I didn't thimk about it and next time I will warn her before I shut down again. This kind of work requires me to crawl around on the carpet and get up and down a lot.  It is tiring work and I can't do it for long periods of time.  I have the patience any more to just work a little each day. I will have to do the capping of the top the same way as I did in the other room. 

I took this painting down and layed it on the bed while working.  It is hard to photograph as the shine on the glass is always a problem.  I thought I would try it laying down. It is a pastel that I did many years ago of the harbor area in Duluth, Minnesota.  The photo was taken in the evening on the lake shore looking back at the city. 

It has been a good Monday.  Weather wise we take the good ones any time we get them.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! You do awesome work!

    We melted and got some mud today, but the hills are still full of snow.
    Tuesday through Thursday snow coming! 5 years ago on this date we were in a blizzard, so I guess it isn't that unusual.
