Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Tuesday's Things....

 Until it is time to toss them, they will be on display on the basement stairs ledge.  The grandkids did them at Christmas with us and they had done some at home already, so we kept them.  They will disappear on a hot summer day. 

This is a special bookshelf as it was where we kept our home library when I was a kid.  It was a magical space even though we had so few books. The shelf was made by John Horton, a step uncle to my mom.  He was from the era where nothing was thrown away.  The shelf was made out of table leaf boards.  The end pieces are made of three strips cut from the boards.  Power tools did not exist in John's lifetime so he hand sawed the strips of wood.  I can imagine how hard it was to do with a hand saw.  My grandma married into that family and we were close to John and his wife Iva. Southern Iowa memories of living in a drafty cold house in very old house. 

The corner of my basement room has a desk that belongs to my wife's mother.  It hasn't been refinished yet but I can see it happening, once I get all my other projects done. 

Progress includes the idea that I can get things done positive and not get hurt while doing so.  I have to spend a half hour just to cut the holes in the wainscoting to bring the electric plugs up to the surface. It takes a lot of magical measuring and cutting holes through the one inch thick wood, and the hole has to line up correctly.  It is going so slowly as I feel like I am just messing and doing trial and error work to get it done.  I have two more boards to put up and then I get to deal with one last socket. It will be a relief to get that out of the way.  Nine boards are left to be done.  Maybe tomorrow I will get that step done.  And then  I go buy more moldings and baseboard material.  Staining and a finish has to be done too.  

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Outlets are not easy to work around. You are doing a fine job! Hope the big storm misses you! :)

  2. That desk is amazing and will look great once refinished.

    I love it that you still have the grandkids' gingerbread creations up.
