Saturday, March 18, 2023



A happy visitor to my feeder was this chickadee.  I rarely see them here but when it is so cold I am sure my seed looks good to it.  I have sunflower and safflower seeds in the one feeder.  It grabs one and flies off to the  blue spruce to eat it.  They fly so fast so one has to have the camera ready at all times. 


 The sparrows hover in the trees for a while and then they all attack the feeders.  I did just refill it this morning going out into that very cold wind. 



A second photo showing how this bird sneaked into the area and I had to look twice to see that it wasn't a sparrow.  The black and white contrast is such a great give away. 

Meanwhile inside my guppies are having a feeding frenzy.  I just happened to have my camera handy and snapped the view.  I don't need to tell you that they are reproducing rapidly.  

Thanks for checking in today.

1 comment:

  1. Yikes, it sure was cold today. Icy here too.

    The birds here were very grateful to have feed and the Robins looked like they were searching for something!

    The fish tank looks so nice, I used to love to watch fish when we had them many many years ago.
