Friday, March 17, 2023

Shamrock Day.....


Not until I didn't have any proof that I had any Irish in me.  The things you can find out about you family line can be interesting.  My one line on my father's side was one that just came over on the boats in 1800s.  On my mom's side I have strings of relatives, colonists,  being here before the Revolutionary war.   Scotland, Ireland, England and Germany are my major sources of my ancestry. There are two different sites out east that have houses built by relatives, both Browns, that are state park sites or a memorial home.  One is actually a log cabin and another is a colonial stone two story one with a lot of history of important visitors.  I have good and bad in my ancestry but I had no control over that.  Irish I am though, so I can say Happy St. Patrick's Day to all of you Irish ones.

We had a heavy snowfall yesterday afternoon.  It just kept falling for many hours.  It then got very windy and very cold.  The sunshine today did melt off most of the snow but the windchill is very cold today. 

A house finch pair scrambled on the deck to pick out seed before it got covered with snow.  A lot of birds came to eat just like the mourning dove shown in the above photo.  I keep thinking that spring is coming but yesterday dashed all my hopes. 

My three flower boxes got a lot of attention the past two days and I am glad to say they are all painted on all sides, insides, and bottoms. That figures out to be 30 flat sides on the three boxes combined.  I am still working on getting out the splinters from my hands. I think I got the last one out this afternoon.  I poke myself with needle pinpoints for blood tests all the time but and single small splinters of wood can continue to hurt more.  

Have a good rest of this Friday.

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