Friday, March 10, 2023

Friday's Finds.....

 I was recently imagining the looks of my red bud tree in bloom this spring.  I guess I will have to wait a little longer. It is a beautiful tree with snow on it anyway. The tree is old enough now that it should put out quite a show. 

The red twig is putting out great red barks at this time. I really like to have these shrubs in our backyard. 

I was blogging yesterday sitting in an easy chair next to the bird's cage.  All of a sudden both of them started screeching loudly.  I got up to see what was wrong with them and they were looking outside seeing this bird. They sit in the sliding glass door area so they can see out and they didn't like what they were seeing.  It is a screech that is meant to scare away things.  

The peregrine falcon was sitting on a bird that it had just captured. I grabbed the camera and got this view. I do understand why people are not happy with birds that prey on others. I felt badly for that bird and yet it is the way the falcon eats to survive.   I guess he could take young bunnies and rodents for food. I could have gotten a side view but I hit the glass door to startle him.  He was gone in an instance. 

I see he has snow on its back from the snow storm going on.  I have seen these birds in the summer doing there hunting but this is the first I have seen in the winter.

Leaves keep falling from the bottom of the ponsettia.  It is still a good looking plant lasting longer than normal this year.  It is nice to see red when there is so much  white outside. 



  1. Nice to see a Peregrine Falcon though, I know many years ago when I worked at the power plant...
    They put a Peregrine Falcon nest high on one of the cooling towers and it was fun to watch the falcons with binoculars.
    Their population wasn't doing well at that time.

  2. Birds of Prey are not my favorites...I imagine the hawks and Eagles are out looking for food too. Had a Hawk sneak in our yard one day and grab a goldfinch:( Nice snow! WE got some too!
