Sunday, March 12, 2023

Morning After......


Six inches of fresh, wet, heavy snow has covered the earth. While taking the blue spruce tree I noticed I had more going on with the sky.  I had to turn my camera a pick up more of a broad sky view.  

The birds at the feeder demonstrate that they can meet the challenge of heavy snowfall.

The morning dove shows up during the snow fall on Saturday.  Everything is instantly covered by snow and the birds were really struggling to find anything open to eat. 

The sparrows find it more challenging but they seem to handle it quite well at getting to the seed. 



All winter the basement has been cooler than usual.  I knew the heaters were not working so I decide to get a new thermostat. I could hire someone but I would try to fix it first myself.  It was a good idea as now the heating panels are working again.  The thermostat isn't very accurate but I can play with it get the temperature I want even if the dial says otherwise. 

It is a quiet Sunday but eventually I have to venture to get some basic grocery items.  We are out.  I will wait until late afternoon to go to give the store a chance to get their parking lots cleared and me getting my driveway cleared.  Have a good Sunday.

1 comment:

  1. Goodness you really did get a lot of snow ! Lovely to look at, but makes it hard to get around. I'm hoping milder days are on the horizon. Take care Larry.
