Monday, March 20, 2023



This sansevieria  likes this pot.  I bought as a small plant and it is now huge.  I may have to find it a bigger pot. My older days was when it was called "mother-in-law tongue". 

Peperomia is how it is spelled but blogspot thinks it is misspelled. I too bought this as a smaller six in plant.  I remember them as a young guy when they put them in glass dish gardens.  This one keeps growing and I have only clipped back a couple of pieces.  I like its shiny green leaves.

Old garden magazines can last forever.  I sometimes put them away and then dig them out a few years later.  I see these were moved here from out old house as the date of 2017 is on one of them.  It looks more like spring today and I went out to see what was sprouting up.  We have had earlier springs with flowers blooming already but not this year.  Crocus and daffodils are not in sight this  year.  I guess we will catch up more quickly as the soil warms up.  We still have some large clumps of snow siting in the gutters of the street that need hotter temp. Even though it is the first day of spring it is just another day in Iowa.  Thanks for checking in......

1 comment:

  1. My daffodils next to the house are up but not the ones out in the yard. I imagine the soil is warmer when the sunlight is reflected off the house.

    I use to have so many indoor plants and I loved having them. Though our tiny cottage doesn't have much room for that.
    I love seeing your plants.
