Tuesday, March 21, 2023


 While outside the cardinal was calling.  Jeeter, Jeeter, Jeteer, was such a great sound to hear. I am not sure if it was doing a territorial call or a call for a mate.  It sounded like spring. 

The house finch male turns a brighter red during the spring for mating season.  I do have more pairs of house finch that I use to have.  I know they like to nest in my blue spruce tree. 

Greener grass is growing next to the steps.  I will mow up the leaves eventually.  I can maybe put away the snowblower now. 

I am tank cleaning again and the angel fish get moved to a fresher one with clean water. They are so big now that I am thinking of buying them a bigger tank. 

I didn't wear a coat to get the mail today.  I could get use to that. While shopping for groceries the past few days all the college kids are wearing shorts and short sleeved shirts.  I am sure the flip flops will be out very soon.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Fun to see your Cardinal!! Sounds like you have Spring!!

  2. Nice!
    It feels like spring is getting closer!
