Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Morning Sunrise....

 It is so good to have a normal sunrise view.  The jet trails are out there and the sun has shifted in the view to the middle of my easterly view. 

The snow piles are gone on the feeder's tray and roof.  The birds are glad that I filled the feeder and were busy all morning. The cardinals, male and female, were out and about.  I saw this red and I thought I sure wasn't going to get a good shot of him with him feeding behind the one side. 

I was proven wrong about getting a good shot of the male. He turned to look to see where he wanted to head off and gave me a good one. 

I worked on my project again today and I now have all three of these completed. I can start painting tomorrow.  What I have made in total looks a little bit too much but I will wait and see as I display them when spring weather finally hits.  

Spent lots of time on the phone dealing with diabetic equipment problems and also with the government site to deal with a failed sensor. The person was not speaking a clear English but I was patient. I also did battle with my one prescription order and I did get that worked out.  I spend too much time doing that and also picking up meds.  We are melting quickly today and the water is running down the gutters of the street.  I do think we have a rain/snow mixed predicted for tomorrow.  March snows are common here.  The warm weather gets me anxious for outside work but it is too early.  Thanks for checking in today.


  1. Looks like some nice planters! You have been busy!

  2. Battling over meds and equipment is so frustrating. Thank goodness you have such a beautiful view and other things to help deal with that stress.
    More March madness of weather today here too.

    Can't wait to see the finished project!
