Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Slowly Melting....

 The mounds of snow are shrinking that are all around the bird feeder. It is 35° F. and I can hear water trickling down our eave drain pipes.  There is a very small stream of water headed down the gutters. 

 The birds have slowed down at the feeders as it has warmed a bit. The sun shines and it looks a lot better out there. 

 Yes it is a duck even though it doesn't quack like a duck.  I found this item in a box that I bid on at a farm sale  in southern Iowa.  It was a box full of junk, paper, antique glassware, and a billiard ball.  It was we called a "junky sale" and for a quarter you could own a box of good and bad stuff. I didn't say things were dirty but they were.  It was 1970 and I was off from college in the summer.  My step great uncle John Horton had a brother Jesse, and it was his farm sale in southern Iowa.  It was way south in the rolling hills in what we called the "sticks".

 Brass was hot back when I was still in college.  There would be boxes of brass pieces like these at flea markets and it looked valuable to me.  I think I bought this and another one in a bowl shape. I tried photographing it in my light box. 



 A quick shot of the ongoing project shows that I have now finished three of them.  I bought paint this morning and work will continue.  I can't put these outside anytime soon as their is six inches of snow now where they are going to be placed.  Spring is suppose to be coming.

1 comment:

  1. The brass container looks really good in your photo, what a nice design:)
