Saturday, March 25, 2023

Saturday's Stuff.....


I keep my last years begonia inside over the winter.  It doesn't do much blooming but it survives well inside. Once in a while it gives out some token blooms.  During a snowstorm they are welcomed blooms.  During this spring time it isn't so excitying.


 I bought a new thermometer to put outside.  I have not done so but I kept it in the basement to monitor how the new thermostat is working.  I didn't think it was actually working as it just hung out at 70° F. all the time.  This morning I lay it outside on a table and discovered that it very much is working fine.  It also tells me I can't go outside and use a varnish stripper as that needs to be at 65° F. outside before using the product. 

The morning did not look great at sunrise but we did have sunshine for the rest of the day. The clouds turned into pleasant decorations in the sky. 

I have been going through my Grandma Brooks old recipes.  She had a spiral notebook that is stuffed full of different recipes that she has written out as well as clipped recipes from newspapers.  I will share more of this later but this one cookie recipe she had was in her book.  "Grandma Driver was what everyone called her but she actually was my grandma's mother-in-law.  Grandma Driver "was my great grandmother.  I don't think I can date the earliest of these collections but I am finding things from all of my aunts and my mom that she has collected. Grandma Brooks died in 1973 so the collecting stopped then.  Lard was used in a lot of the recipes and I bet she never bought Crisco ever. I think it is unusual to see that there were walnuts put in the mix as sugar cookies usually had nothing added to them.  The whole collection is such a fascination for me as I really can find a lot of family history in cooking.  

It has been a quiet day around here and we are having Coney dogs for supper.  We rarely do that but it is fun to have them just once in a while.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Nice! My Aunt gave me a lot of pages from my Grandmother's diary which I found so interesting. If one put all of her diaries together they'd have had an accurate listing of temperatures, wind speeds, rainfall, and snowfall for all the 50 years she lived in this one place.

    Her comments on family were short and to the point too.

    I also found a receipt book from the 1930's for my husband's business he had. He purchased the business from another old fella and these were the paid receipts all written out in long hand.

    Thanks for this, it is good to go down memory lane once in a while.
