Sunday, March 26, 2023

Happy Birthday to Me....

 I have a lot of mixed feelings about turning 73 years old.  I am not sure I will share what I really feel about it but I will say I had a good birthday day.  We went out to Applebees for a noon meal and I had apple pie for my substitute birthday cake.  There is too much sugar in cake with frosting and a small slice of apple pie will keep my sugar count lower if I take a very small slice.  I still made my meter go bonkers as I did still spike but it does come down in an hour or two. Tomorrow I will slice it thinner. 

I talked to the youngest son who lives in Maine.  He is still sitting in heavy snow.  Winter takes a while to leave the north country.  He is busy working and being an administrator makes him being more responsible.  Our family from Chicago called from Disney World and sang a birthday song to me. Mom and Dad and the three kids survived their first day at the Magic Kingdom. Florida was hot today with 95° F. temperatures.  

I got two Snoopy shirts for my birthday.  I wear t-shirts a lot in the house so it is fun to have new ones to trade off each day.  I don't have the right program to reverse the photo so you can just treat it as a puzzle teaser.  My wife likes to buy lots of presents and I have some good ones that I may share later.  One was an Old and New Testament that has pictures in it of the places that are being described in the historic document.  Places where Abraham traveled to get to Egypt went through lots of places we visited in Israel.  I have the same photos of the headwaters at the Tel of Dan which feeds into the Jordan River.  It will make studying the Bible more intersting when the photos share the location.

Monday will be here shortly and I will start a new day at my new age number.  I am so ready for spring but that isn't going to be for a few more weeks.  Thanks for stopping by......


  1. Happy birthday Larry, sounds like you enjoyed your special day !

  2. Happy Birthday!
    I love your t shirt and I am an avid fan of t shirts. I wear a t shirt every day and in the cooler months, a hoodie over it. I love my hoodies!

    Lookin' good!

  3. It sounds like you got some fun gifts like the tee shirts. I have a nice collection of tee shirts too, with flowers, butterflies, Chihuahuas, etc. on them.

  4. Happy Birthday, hope you had a wonderful day! My husband was 73 in he is an old guy too!
