Saturday, March 4, 2023

Stuff for Saturday....

 The female cardinal showed up this morning at the crook.  She actually was giving different poses as she twisted around on the top of the curve.  I cleaned my window last evening so she could be in focus today.

I took the photo of the male cardinal last night and when the spots showed up on the picture, I cleaned the window. 

The bookshelf was made by John Horton.  He was the brother-in-law of my grandmother from her second marriage.  I called him my step great uncle.  John build the bookcase from oak table boards.  It has been in the family since I was five or six years old, 1956 maybe.


He did some special things to make this with slots for the boards to slip into for strength.  I don't think electric tools were around then for him and he had to cut the six strips of wood from the oak.  That had to be difficult.  I could see the saw lines in them as I was painting it.  I felt life was too short for me to strip the wood, which is what I should have done, but I didn't. I still feel some guilt about it. 

My parents had this for so many years and it was always used, I think, upside down.  This photo shows it as I like it and I think maybe was intended for use. I know that it gains one more shelf if it is flipped, but I like the top board for displaying things.  I do like the paint on it as it matches the painted trundle bed that also is in the room.

When we moved here I just loaded it up with books, not knowing what was really there.  I found art books that I now want to look at and also some garden books. I will share the stories behind the portraits that are on the wall tomorrow.  My wife did them and I did photograph them without light glare.

Maybe I can find some more project to make from this book. It is a little bit warmer today but it is too cold without a good coat.  Thanks for checking in today.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes you just need to paint stuff. It is fresh and clean looking now:)
