Sunday, March 5, 2023

Sunday's Shorts.....

 I saved a sunflower seed head this fall and Big Red is happy to eat from it.  It makes hims stay longer as he thinks he is eating from his own dinner plate. 

I promised to share about the portraits that you could see on the wall in my previous posts.  It is hard to take photos of glassed art but this is the best I could do.  My wife likes to paint many things and when we first married she did a lot of portraits.  When the boys graduated from high school we didn't buy any larger senior picture as we knew she was going to make one from their smaller senior photo.  If I do my math correctly, Andy on the left graduated in 1994 and Aaron graduated in 1997. They are created in pastel.


On the same wall is a painting by my wife of Oscar's barn.  My grandmother Brown was widowed in 1937. When she remarried it was to Oscar Brooks.  We never called him grandpa, but Oscar was always the title.  In a sentence we might say "Grandma and Oscar."    It seems so fitting to call the work Oscars Barn. That farm place is completely cleared now and it is just a corn field. 

It is a gray, hazy day today. The weather people tells us it is raining right now but it isn't.  We are above freezing and we are having a quiet Sunday.  Thanks for stopping by.

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