Thursday, March 30, 2023

Thursday's a Go.......


Old and weathered which blends in with the fence.  I doubt I will ever see any bird nesting in this house as it is too low on the ground and the hole is probably too large.  It is purely decorative for sure.

It is about time to take the decorative birdhouse out side.  I will place them in semi-protected areas so the rain doesn't weather them. 

It feels like spring when the temperatures gets up above freezing.  We are going to warm up for two days and the wind is to be around 80 mph.  I need to work outside this morning and I still need a parka on to keep from chilling.  They don't talk about wind chills but it still works the same way in the spring.

I am planning to plant my sweet potato this spring and just see what happens.  I planted potatoes with my parents when I was a kid so this will bring back some memories of that.  We planted potatoes to feed the family of six for the whole year.  The painted pot is an antique one.  I have a collection of them which were my parents. 

Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Your sweet potato got lots of sprouts! That windy? You better stay inside or you will blow away!
