Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Middle of the Week.....


First bird to the feeder since I refilled it. It didn't take only a couple of minutes. I was so chilled from being out there to fill it and also take some photos. 



I snapped this shot to show the unusual leaves of this tulip.  I was pleasantly surprised to see the iris popping through in the background. 

Newly planted iris are looking good here.  If we could get some warm days these things would take off.  We are suppose to have two warm days soon and then severe weather is predicted. 

Our winds have been so strong and the hydrangea head was snapped off and blown across the yard into another garden area.  I was out early and got so chilled from being out there that it took me a long time tow warm up.  I went for some meds this late afternoon and it has warmed just a bit.  I still needed my winter coat.  Thanks for checking in today.

1 comment:

  1. You have Spring popping up all over! Hostas are usually slow to emerge!
