Thursday, March 23, 2023

Thursday's Things....

 We had ice on our deck this morning in the form of sleet. It sprinkled and accumulated.  North of us they had five inches of snow. We warmed up to 41° F. this afternoon with a good sun. I am going to put a potted plant on the other pedestal.

It was minor weather and I was able to go out and take a few shots.  I looked up and caught some geese flying around in formation.

We see this every spring and fall but they are not going too far away.  They are moving from our man-made lake to cornfields to the Des Moines River.  There are bank ponds that the end up at too in our area. 

There are always a few strays that just won't get into line.  Later there was a stray Canadian goose flying by quickly as he got left behind.  If I sometimes see snow geese fly over I do know that they are headed north as they never stay around here.  Our Saylorville lake does attract the snow geese, swans, pelicans and seagulls.  Most of them can be seen if you just hit it at a certain time in the spring or fall. 

The angel fish are back into their tank again.  I spent some time reading about them in fish magazines and I found out the orange one is called a koi angel fish.  The others are called tiger angel fish.  I will try not to overfeed them so that I don't have to clean the tank so often.  I also will not buy any more of them as they are getting so big that they are crowded.  I don't want to buy a bigger 20 gallon tank for them so I will just not buy anymore.  I do need to buy them an algae eater to help clean their tank. 


I took a photo of my bleeding thumb but decided not to show it. I have a new project started.  I have researched it and it is a Gustave Stickley oak footstool.  I will share more about its history later and show some of the processes that I have to do to get the wood ready to go.  I will need to work with it outside so I need warmer weather.  I can wait.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. We had 5 inches of snow when I woke up yesterday morning and it melted by late afternoon.
    You always have a great woodworking project going on.

  2. It is good that you have lots of projects! Hope you have a good weekend and a good birthday on Sunday!
