Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Middle of the Week....



 I woke up this morning and was hearing the call of a morning dove.  Its call is so great and it can be heard in movies to fill in background for timber scenes.  My mom used to call them a rain crow and that they were predicting rain.  I do know now that they are not rain crows and I did fall into some jokesters of in-laws making fun of me for repeating it.  We would have them in the fence row calling while we worked in the vegetable garden when I was a kid. 

It feels like spring today.  I would go out and work at clearing flower gardens this afternoon if I were ten years younger.  It isn't going to happen. Instead I am working with a fish aquarium that I have emptied, cleaned and now need to refill with fresh water. I need to work on my feeding habits of the fish and figure out how not to overfeed them.  I guess I need to get a measuring tool and feed only a certain amount per day no matter what.  My granddaughter had a mishap with the food when she was here at Christmas. She seemed to pour in some food and I then had to clean out the tank after they were gone.  She is so cute that  she can dump the whole can of fish food in there and I wouldn't care. She will be four years old in May.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I've been seeing them too! We used to call them Rain Hawks. Hubby still refers to them that way.
    I love their songs.

    I did yard cleaning two days in a row. Whew. And I raked stuff back into the driveway.

    Kids are great. I can recall little ones doing the same when I had a fish tank.

  2. Staying indoors was the best choice today, hopefully the sun will grace us with his presence before the weekend is over.
    We used to have a fish tank, but ended being too needy, I do miss it though.
    Be well dear friend !

  3. The fish and the tank are a bright spot!
