Friday, April 7, 2023

Good Friday......


Our grandchildren got to go to Disney World over spring break.  Our son took this shot of how things were going.  Each kid has its own personality and you can see them in this photo. The guy in the red shirt got to be in a Circle of Life parade at the Lion King Show.  He was chosen to march or dance around a big round  stage while being with many different characters including two guys on stilts prancing around in multiple colored costumes. We have a movie of him in the parade and showing him returning from the parade with the most pleased smile on his face.  The guy in red is making his dinosaur roar while having his photo taken. 

The crocus are all gone now.  I still have the daffodils and the grape hyacinths starting to bloom. The hyacinths look pretty weathered this year but maybe they will perk up.

I reluctantly started the cutting of the new cover piece for the footstool.  I was really slow to start out and was concerned that I was going to mess it up.  I followed the pattern of the piece that was taken off of it. The old piece was a fake beige old vinyl and was full ot tacks and staples.  Once I got the one end cut and sized and went to the other end and it all did actually fit.  I loaded up everything to bring it upstairs to get some help from my wife to stretch and attach the new cover. 



The end result will be shared when we finally get it all together. I haven't done work like this for a very long time. I did an oak rocker once but seat covers on dining room chairs doesn't count. 

We went out for breakfast this morning.  It is warming up outside and it looks like spring again. Thanks for stopping by today.

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