Thursday, April 6, 2023

Thursday's Things.....


With the cool mornings the daffodils are not bothered.  The crocus are now just gone.  Overnight they seemed to reach their expiration date as they are all wilted and gone.   

It was too cold to be outside but I snapped it at the first try.  Our weather has been too cloudy for me to see any of the phases of the moon.  We were without clouds for the first time in weeks. I saw others on facebook from different parts of the sate posting shots of it so I knew it was out there. 

While working in the garage this morning I noticed my summer mowing hat is hanging there ready to go. Our grass is growing a little and it seems thick when I walk on it.  It is time to put the snowblower away and out of the way so I can get my mower out for use.  My garage is crowded so I have to place things into a seasonal order. 

It was sad to see these blooms all gone.  I did have a good run with them and can just wait until next spring to see them.  We have the noise of men working on the neighbors getting shingles removed and new shingles applied. We will have Mexican music all day so we can enjoy it if we go outside.  I did the final work on the tax papers this morning and will need to call in an appointment.  My piles are all sorted for income and deductions.  My meds cost is amazing when I totaled them. They prices of things have crept up in one year.  

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I can't see an end to higher medical costs, they alarm me for the future of aged folks and of all the younger folks.


    Today I found the first of the Marsh Marigolds!
    It is still rather cool out but the sun is shining!

    Your daffy's look great!

  2. How come you've already had flowers blooming!?
