Thursday, April 20, 2023

Heavy Wind and Heavy Rains.....all Night.


Our local weather person said we only had a trace of rain.  He didn't check the gauges around Des Moines. If this gauge is level it is 3 inches of rain.  We had a downpour late evening with small hail.  It just rain so hard it was like a roaring sound. It rained off and on the entire night into the morning. We still need the rain in the area so I was so glad to see the amount that we had. I also see by the news that the Mississippi and Missouri will be flooding us out soon as the snow melt is coming our way.  We are, Iowa, the land between two rivers.

 Over night the lily of the valley just sprouted up.  There was not sign of their growth yesterday as I was working right there all day.  I was concerned that they were dead.

The rains have coated our living room windows. The mourning dove looks sort of soaked from the night of rains. 

The rains did not disturb the red bud flowers.   I am just going to take a photo each day to be sure I get the day that it is in full bloom.  The bag of mulch in the background was dropped off there yesterday and this morning I did spread it around.  I need another bag for sure to get all things covered. 

These iris were moved here from other crowded spots.  Some were in wet clay that just kept them from performing.  This good soil is giving them all they need.  I hope there are at least one of two blooms on them.  One never knows what happens after you move them.  Again, I don't know what colors that they are. 

This New England bluebell loos sad but maybe the parent plant will look better now that it has rain.  This a volunteer that has spread. I like that as I could now move it to another garden space. 

I got rained on this morning while spreading the mulch. I just kept on working and hung up my wet shirt afterwords.  I have no way to eat the rhubarb but it make a nice foliage plant for enhancement to the wagon wheels.  I shared before that I move wheels and milk cans down from the old place intending to share them with my brother-in-law who wanted some.  He will never take any of them now as he is living in a nursing home.  

It is a gloomy day in spite of the brief time that the sun did shine.  A day after a rain seems to be a soggy one and one can't do much outside.  I did see the neighbor's yard treatment company come and spread something on their yard while it was sprinkling.  I have some to spread but I am going to wait for a warm day.  Tomorrow is another day for work to be done. Thanks for stopping in today.


  1. Larry, what a great shot of the mourning dove through your living room window! Glad the red bud is doing well and that the lily of the valley plants are sprouting. We used to have them in our NJ and then VA yards and they were a favorite, so delicate and yet so fragrant and sometimes overpowering.

  2. That Lily of the Valley is one I'd like to see here.

  3. Hope you find some way to eat a bit of rhubarb as it is so flavorful!
