Friday, April 21, 2023

Chilly Chills.....


My neighbor's flowering tree is looking great. I had to get creative and shoot the view through the crack in the fence.  The neighbor's and their dog are still in Arizona.  They need to stay there as we are suppose to get down to freezing temps tonight.


 Another neighbor's flowering shrub is way over there but we can see it from the sun room. It has grown big the past two years.  I am going to call it an azalea but I am not certain. It is one I think that can survive our winters while most of them can not.

I have always admired creeping phlox and am glad that I have it.  I don't think it is doing its best in blooms with it being 43° F. right now. It looks good against green grass but this color really isn't such a strong color. 

I bundled up to go get this shot. The blooms still are not all quite open. It is looking really good though..

The photo for the day of the red bud is looking like this.  I think it would look greater if it was 60° F. outside. 

The Siberian iris is shooting up now after I cut away all the dead leaves. It helped it to have a good rain for two days in a row.  I need to buy more mulch and work on that flower garden area some more.  I did pick a few asparagus sprigs out there this morning.  

Tomorrow will warm up a little so maybe I can get over being chilled.  It is a slow spring with the temps so low and I really won't do any yard work for now.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Such pretty blooms! Your neighbors Red Bud is a beauty! It has great form! Stay warm!

  2. That flowering tree is amazing! And your Redbud is beautiful!

  3. What beautiful trees and flowers. I hope my neighbor's new trees will provide me with wonderful colors in the future.

    That Redbud. Wow.
    I just picked another 3 vases of daffodils and snowing!
