Monday, April 24, 2023

Morning is Broken......


As the days get to be longer the sun keeps shifting in this photo.  The tilting change of the earth should help us to warm up pretty soon.



 The clouds hung around for part of the morning but it has cleared. It will warm up today.  I did get the front yard mowed this morning wearing a parka. 

The red bud tree still looks good.  It hasn't started to drop blooms at this point.  It is always sad to see the pink all scattered on the grass below. 

I went out to see the Northern Lights display.  We can't see it in town but all the rural areas are readily seeing great colors.  I saw this instead hanging too close to a street light and a roof top below.  If I waited another hour I could probably get a better shot but I went to bed as it was already close to midnight.  This moon shape is always used in nursery stories and different things happen to the moon holding liquids or giving elves a place to sit. 

I took a trip to the lumber yard today to buy parts for my new trellis display.  I need time to work out the details as no job every seems to be easy.  I will just sit on the project and do the numbers on paper to figure it all out.  Thanks for stopping by today.


1 comment:

  1. I meant to get up but I slept right through the display even though I guess it was brilliant and beautiful!

    Brrr on mowing today.
