Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Tulip Power....

 The tulips are opening up and the peonies are sprouting up also.  It is the part of spring that makes me smile as I like all of the blooms.  I get discouraged with this garden that my previous owner started.  I have made it my own by removing a lot of his things and adding the tulips and an iris. It is hard to keep the grass out and sometimes I just feel like letting the yard take it over by removing the garden liner. 

The creeping phlox is now in full bloom.  It has really spread in the six years that I have lived here. 

The white and red version of this Rembrandt tulip is not opened yet but these yellow ones are holding their own.  It is still cold out there and in many ways it is making these flowers last a lot longer. 

The peonies in the back yard are looking good again this year.  They were all transplanted from my old place to here in the last four or five years.  It is a solid planting now with the five bushes filling out and making a good row of foliage.  It will be a lot of weeks before they bloom. 

We are cloudy again today with it being in the low 40°s F. I am going to wait for it to dry out and mow around ten o'clock.  My grass is really tall in some places and I will still need to bundle up at that time. 

I have a big project going on with the new trellis that I bought.  I am not happy with the plans that I had for it and having to rethink the design.  I have four eight foot timbers to paint white and then I will figure out how I am going to do the design again since my one on paper is not going to work.  I hate it when  I plan and it is not what I imagine when I get the real pieces of the puzzle. 

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. The phlox looks amazing. I think I've had mine for about that many years and I was so surprised when the snow melted to see how far it had spread out!

    Your tulips are beautiful. None of my tulips have done anything yet.

    I love the colors you have in your gardens, so bright and cheery.

  2. What beautiful tulips, I love the combination of colors.
    The last few nights have had frost for us, so annoying to haul all the porch flowers back inside, hopefully no more.
    Can't wait to see the trellis.

  3. Your flowers are well ahead of ours. Beautiful!

  4. Your tulips are so cheerful! Your Phlox really likes that area!
