Sunday, April 16, 2023

Snowing on Sunday.....

 It was a normal time for me to take a break. My lower back was feeling bad.  As soon as I sat down my son in Illinois texted me photos of his tulip blooms.  It was natural that while I sat to rest I could take a shot and send it back showing what I was doing.  I had trimmed rosebushes and Japanese iris leaves from last year.  I had two bags full and I was tired.  I guess it was an accountability conversation showing to each other that we are getting our yard work done. 

I took another iPhone shot of the daffs and it is not a good photo.  The shot shows the new flower boxes in place in the background.  The water spout has been in good use as we have been getting spotty rains. 

The redbud tree is looking better. It still isn't in full bloom yet.  Our grass is looking so green.

I have two different spots where I have put my fern leafed peony.  I had to move it from a spot next to the neighbor's fence.  He was putting in a new fence and I wasn't sure where the new post holes were going to be place. It looks better and more fuller this year but it really is slow growing in this location.  The other planting location has only two stems that has come up and one of them might bloom. 

We are having snow off and on all day.  It is too warm to stay but it is strange.  My wife's birthday was yesterday and she says she was born in a snowstorm. So snow at this time isn't that unusual.  We are havng a quiet Sunday.   Thanks for stopping in today.......


  1. Your plants and flowers are coming along nicely. You can keep the snow in your neck of the woods, we are already in Spring mode 😆
    Don't overdo the gardening and chance hurting yourself, tomorrow is another chance.

  2. I just love the Redbud flowers. We have a small one here.

  3. Nice! We got snow starting early Sunday and it is still snowing this morning [Monday]. We have at least 6 inches on the ground and more to come yet.

    It will melt quickly giving the soil some nice nitrogen and moisture so the farmers are not upset about it at all.
