Saturday, April 15, 2023

Spring Rains......


Pink roses are perfect for my wife's birthday. The roses are of a higher quality than usual as their leavs are thicker and the stems are stronger. 


 I am sure that the house finches are already starting their nest in my blue spruce tree.  The songs of the finch are so wonderful to hear.  I am thinking I am hearing a wren until I notice who is putting out the sound. 

We are out of our drought conditions but I can tell by the soil that we need more rain.  We are getting it this afternoon.  It is a cool day of middle 40s F.  and snow is predicted for tomorrow.

I need to stand back and get better full shots of my flowering trees.  Maybe tomorrow that will happen.  I can't stand in the rain to do it right now.  If it snows tomorrow I may try it just for fun. 

We are headed to an Italian place for supper tonight.  We haven't tried it even though it is in our own city.  It probably is only three miles away from here.  Birthdays for my wife always include Italian food even though she is not Italian.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Both those Roses and Daffodils are gorgeous!

  2. Happy Birthday to Della! The roses are beautiful!~

  3. Happy Birthday Della! Beautiful roses and I hope the supper was excellent!
    We have a snow storm warning for tonight!
