Saturday, April 22, 2023

Stuff for Saturday


Friday evening we had a downpour of graupel.   Graupel is defined as small particles of snow with a fragile crust of ice; soft hail. It falls like large rain drops and it is a thick looking precipitation.  This Saturday morning we had snow.  It covered everything but was gone by noon. None of our weather including strong winds hasn't damaged any of our flowers.

The robin was out from its nest looking for things to eat.  I don't think it has babies hatched yet.  The metal quail was a gift from our former owner. 

Maybe some of you have seen photos of male cardinals handing seed with their beaks to the female.  My wife saw him do it for a couple of time but I dind't get  photo of it. I assume that they are for sure mated and hopefully a nest is going to be nearby. 

The female did come earlier by herself to the feeder.  She has nice red markings on her and a very colorful beak. 

It is very cold so the birds do chose to come to the feeder to eat.  The brown headed cowbird returned by itself yesterday. I am not sure as to what kind of tree that they like to choose for nesting.



I had only one gtackle show up to the feeder.  They usually show up in groups. I like how their feathers have subtle reflections. 

Hostas and lilies are poking through right now.  It is cold but they are coming through anyway.  Some hostas are not showing up yet though. 

It has been a quiet Saturday with us staying at home.  I did go out and take a few shots but it was very cold and I didn't stay long. We had freezing temps last night so I had to bring in all the potted plants back into the house.  It is suppose to get that cold again tonight.  We probably will turn hot soon and I can again turn the air on for us.  Thanks for showing up today.

1 comment:

  1. You have all kinds of signs of Spring! Hope you are having a great Sunday!
