Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Sunny Sunrise.....


The sun was actually behind the big pine tree this morning.  I had to walk out on the deck and go to the end of the deck to be able to see it coming up today.


 My white ruffled tulips are partially open. I can seem to find the optimum time of the day to get a good shot.  The shadow of my body gives me a better shot that the bright sun would do. Notice the grape hyacinth and creeping phlox in the background.

It is funny how the camera screws up everything when you tip it. The tree does stand straight and if I corrected that the flower box in the back would look really strange.  This is yesterday's shot of the tree.  I am behind taking photos as I went to the Ace Hardware this morning.   I bought one board, eight foot long, some lag screws, mulch and raised bed soil.  It was a full car when I was done.  

I painted on my heavy poles this morning giving the four, four by fours, eight foot long, a coat of paint on all sides, twice. They are getting ready to be assembled in my trellis project.  Photos to come if it doesn't look too stupid.  I mentioned before that what I designed on paper looks pretty awkward in reality.  We will see if it is a success or failure.  Old age is helping me to doubt my skills anymore.   It is a decent day today even though it isn't extremely warm.  It was good enough temps to work outside in the yard. I saw two of my neighbors next door, northwest, out doing things in their garden and I heard my neighbor to the southeast making noises on a project I have yet to identify it   I may never know.  Thanks for stopping in today.

1 comment:

  1. When you shoot with a wide angle, the camera actually distorts things a bit. But I can tell, that is a beautiful tree.

    I hear our neighbor often doing something on the ridge but have no idea what is going on either!

    I walked from the dealership to the Mississippi River today while getting new brakes so I could see the river rising up through the park.
    It was impressive.
