Tuesday, April 4, 2023

The Things of Today.....


My bucket boy is also the guardian of the tulips. It will be a while for them to bloom but they look strong enough to do so. I am not sure why one bunch is a larger growth as the one on the left does have plenty of room to multiply. 



These mini daffodils were almost to cold to be opened this morning.. I got out with my dull shears and cleared off the dead mums and yucca stems. I see from the picture that I didn't get that done until after I took the shots.  I ended up with a large tall bucket full of waste from my clearing of things.  The next task is to  prune back the roses in this front yard bed. 

These shears were worthless so I ended up breaking off most everything.  Later I went to my workshop and go out this sharpening stone and sharpened it.  There is only one blade on this particular designed shear. The sharp blade cuts against the plastic block resistance so when it is dull the shears just smashes things and does not cut. 

I had to break off the pussy willow branches yesterday as the shears did nothing.  When I moved here from the small town I did have to get use to the row of houses in my backyard. The luxury of living here in the big city outweighs the look.  I have gotten use to looking down the hill onto the tops of everyones backyards. Seeing kids out in the yard playing is a reward and all the dogs that go out often is fun too. 


Watching these further open is fun.  I have never owned a bush like this so seeing others made me wish to have one.  My one neighbor at the old place had a huge bush but he cut it down like he was doing house cleaning. 

I finished up the final surface on this footstool today.  I will share later more shots of the final steps of how I restore old wooden furniture.  Since I am visiting my heart doctor tomorrow we will drive on over to Hobby Lobby to look for the new covering that will go on the top.  Recovering this will be a challenge but I like new adventures.  I have the old vinyl piece for a pattern to help me cut a new one. 

We are having a windy spring day this afternoon.  It is cold and then it is warm.  Soon we will probably just get hot and stay that way.  I haven't turned the air on yet even though I did have to throw open a lot of windows to cool us off a couple of days ago.

Thanks for checking in today.


  1. Nice photos! My daffies near the house are getting ready to blossom. I have some mystery plants coming up in an old spring and shade garden, I think they are snowdrops I transplanted there years ago.

    Last night was full of storms!

  2. Your stool is looking good! Open windows I am looking forward to that!! Still snowing here:(
