Wednesday, April 5, 2023

After the Storms.....

Having been in a state of drought for a couple of years it is so wonderful to get rain.  The sound of rain on the roof and windows seemed unusual when it first hit.  Our rivers and lakes are beginning to be back to normal.

We had tornadoes though because the southern part of the state was in the 80° F. temps and the northern part was in the low 40° F.  There were tornadoes that were visible but didn't touch the ground but there was one that did come down and damaged things. There were also areas of the state that had baseball sized hail that destroyed car windows and house roofs.

After my projects are treated with Varathane, I then use paste wax and steel wool to give it that final finish.  A person taught me to do that probably 50 years ago when she felt one of my pieces of furniture.  She shared that the wax and steel wool evens out the varnish finish and deepens the final surface. I have been doing that ever since.  Notice this one rail had a piece of quarter sawn oak used in it. That one brace piece was the only one like it. When it is cut that way it gives oak a different texture.  A lot of wood pieces of mine are made from that kind of cut oak.

My wife helped me pick out the cloth to use to cover the seat of this foot stool. I am anxious to start it but want to take is slow so I won't screw up the job.  I visited my heart doctor today early this morning and then we went to Hobby Lobby afterward.  The store sits in West Des Moines and it is such a boom town there.  There is an already very large mall there and now strip malls are being added in every direction.  We stopped for an early lunch sandwich and came home tired.  We can rest up now for the rest of the day. 

Have a good Wednesday everyone.

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