Thursday, April 13, 2023

Thursday's the Day.....


We are in zone 5a.  Our spring is a little bit late but the flowers seem to be hurring to catch up with the schedule. 



I didn't think the grape hyacinths would do well this year but this volunteer outside of the garden looks great.  I am letting them spread throughout the rock garden area. 

They hyacinths are getting taller each day.  In the foreground you can see the weedy looking creeping phlox shows green leaves and there are tiny blooms starting to open. 

The one lone bloom in front is now inside in a vase.  I didn't plant this and I don't understand why there is just one like this in front.  My other daffodils are not like this one lone plant. 

I have a new robin's nest up in the rafters again this year.  I don't know if it is the same bird but it sure a nest in the same place.  I was tired from clearing rose bushes and dead flower stems so I sit down right below the nest.  I was getting zoomed to get out of there so I obeyed. 

I can't eat these anymore but I do buy one for my wife each year.  I was getting groceries yesterday and they were in the bargain bin.  If I remember correctly that they are a hollow chocolate bunny shape.  

We are having another hot day today. Our high will be 82° F by noon today.  It is going to make things grow along with the grass.  I get to work outside without a winter coat now and I am glad.  I still have leaves to clear and more stems to clear in one more garden.  Tomorrow will be a good day to do that. 

Thanks for stopping in today.


  1. Our temp today was a bit higher in nashua, NH, Larry, as it reached about 90 in the afternoon - Yikes, summer came early this year.

  2. We got up to 84 also this week. Apparently we were hotter than Texas!

    It sure jump started a lot of plants and trees which usually take a little longer to get going.

    Love your flowers!

  3. That pure white Daffodil is a beauty!
