Friday, April 14, 2023

Finishing off Friday......

 Our flowering trees in the front yard are almost in full bloom. They put out buds that one doesn't really notice but suddenly we have white blooms.  This is an ornamental pear tree that doesn't put out fruit. 

I worked in my gardens for the third day getting most of everything cleaned up. I had three bags of dead leaves and branches by the time I finished. The wild violets show up when some things get cleared off of certain areas. 

I uncovered this plant thinking that it was dead.  I believe it is the bleeding heart plant that I inherited when we bought the place. I am going to carry water out to it as we are still very dry.  Maybe that will cause it to rain.  I know they think it might snow on Sunday. 

I forget what this little flower is but it is growing among the grass near a flower bed in the front of the house. 

The ccreeping phlox is now putting out its first blooms.  I really like the plant for the time it is bloom.  I tolerate for all the other seasons.  I have weary muscles today as it was my third day out there.  I know I need to rest up as the grass will need to be mowed in another week.  My neighbor was out yesterday getting his mower all ready to go.  I will be sloppy and just pull mine out, gas it up, and start mowing.  We watched the neighbor's across the street having solar panels installed on their southwest side of the house.  We could never do that as our sunny sides of the house face the street.  Our back side of our house is in shade by noon.  Thanks for checking in today. 

1 comment:

  1. That is a bleeding heart! My bleeding hearts are just coming up also in many spots. I sure love their flowers!

    My son in Kenosha had his apricot tree blossoming yesterday! Wow, it was a beauty!

    My phlox are getting ready, I sure do like them too. I also have Dianthus planted and am curious if it will come back and do well like it did last year.

    If we put solar panels on our south facing roof we'd have solar power most of the year, only for a few hours a day would it be shaded by one of our trees.

    Have a great weekend.
