Sunday, April 30, 2023

Winds of Great Strength......

 It has been a very cloudy day with very strong winds.  One can sit and watch the clouds moving across the sky like they are in a race. 

I shot this from my deck above to give me my red bud photo for the day.  When the leaves start to sprout the flower petals will fall to the ground. 

The rose bouquet purchased on April 15th is now a dried flower arrangement.  The quality of the rose was different as they didn't shed their petals as they died back to nothing.

I tried to get a shot of the delicate pink blooms on this oxalis.  The photo ends up being one of a outdoor mat being the predominate center of interest. 

The pussy willow branches are starting to root.  I had to place the pot of branches outside that they started to smell.  I guess I could change the water but this was easier.  Our Sunday has been a quiet one inside but the wind noise has been going on for most of the day.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. We've had rain/snow/sleet and sunshine! All at the same time!

    The winds are howling up on the ridge, so far it is quiet down in our Hollow.
