Monday, May 1, 2023

Monday's a Breezy One....


The back view was the best as the sun shines through the pastel tulips.  The winds are really beating them up a lot and we have another very windy day. 



Three shots of the same area is probably a little too much but each picture has its own merits. I went out to put out the flag and had to return to get the camera.  I was only wearing socks so the rock bed was a little hard on my feet.  You can see the rose bushes are now coming back to life.  They seem late this year in their development.

We are warmer today but the wind still makes it feel chilly.  I won't work outside today even though the sun is shining.  I have plenty of things to do inside. I made it to the lumber store this morning and picked up groceries on the way home.  The lumber yard gave me some pieces to paint to add to the trellis project.  More to show later.  Thanks for checking in this Monday.


  1. Stunning flowers, so welcome to see all of the variety of colors this first day of May.
    We had a severe freeze for almost a week this past winter, it killed several plants and even trees. The Tennessee Center for Agriculture encouraged people to take a wait and see approach, and I'm so glad we did, because now they are finally showing signs of new growth.

  2. Such pretty gardens! A cold wind here too:(

  3. Your garden is stunning! Just wow!
    We were cool yesterday but with some harsh winds!
