Tuesday, May 23, 2023

A New Day.....


The haze continues even though it is suppose to be lesser.  We do have sunshine today and it is going to get up to 81° F. I mowed in the morning and a long sleeved shirt was too warm for me. I had to take it off to a T shirt.  

This hardy geranium has a good glow though as the red is bright.  I didn't buy the larger ones available as I figure I can grow them larger myself. 

I must have pruned them back alright because I have "knock out" roses starting to bloom. They have leafed out well and they are partially in bloom.  I need to remember to water them as we are still considered dry after two years of drought. They don't get much rain as they are up to the southeast side of the house and it doesn't get as much water unless the wind is in the right direction. 



 I do need the tube to be there but I have decided to put it up only when I know it will rain.  I don't think I will have water in the basement if I forget.  I think it would look better if I wasn't slicing it into visually. I could find myself having to go out into the rain to install if if rains when it isn't predictied. 

I did get my front yard mowed this morning.  I had to bag it as the grass is too thick and my mulcher wasn't handling it.  I get to carry bags of grass down the hill and sometimes find places along the way where grass mulch would be good.  I will mow the back yard tomorrow.  It is tall back there and it will need to be bagged also.  Makes it a lot more work, stopping and carrying, but it looks better when done that way. It works for my body to do it in two sessions.

Thanks for stopping in on Tuesday.


  1. Buy mulching blades for your mower! I agree move parts of the Hosta over to cover the spout!

  2. It looks great!

    I just move my mower up and mow much higher, but that probably wouldn't work in your neighborhood. I also have a goat that will clean up some grass clipping left on the lawn if I stake him out. :)
    More likely not an option at all!
